About Us
eHive© Marketing and Business Management is owned and operated by two very busy bees, Richard and Linda Smith. A combination of their talents and work experience, eHive Marketing and Business Management offers virtual admin and marketing services. Richard is a Graphic Designer, Author, content writer, blogger and social media strategist. Linda is a Certified Business Manager, Executive Admin/Bookkeeper, event planner/manager and social media strategist.
Together they bring their skill set and years of experience to be able to help your business get to the next level. This means you save both time in having to do this work yourself and money from the expense of hiring a new employees to get what you need done.
Together they bring their skill set and years of experience to be able to help your business get to the next level. This means you save both time in having to do this work yourself and money from the expense of hiring a new employees to get what you need done.